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The bench man

For some time now I wondered what had become of the bench man. What do you mean by that ? I don't understand !

Oh ! Excuse me. Let me explain : While I was doing my usual little tour with my grandson, we greeted for the first time in the summer of 2019 a man sitting on a bench.

The Wednesday after my grandson,while walking forward without taking his eyes off him, asked me why the old man did not answer our greetings.

« First of all, don't say old man! It 's not nice speaking like that ». « But granny, who is not nice is him. He never answer us.»

This man had intrigued my grandson a lot. And then we hadn't seen him again. And so my grandson often asked me : « Have you seen the « bench man » again ? » In fact, even on other days of the week...I NO LONGER SAW HIM.

One day were walking and passing in front of a young woman's photo displayd at one wall. Many flowers and a text in tribute to this young were had been given to the public eyes.

My grandson had asked me why his grandpa's photo was not displayed too. In fact he had recently died.

Back home, walking past the bench without anybody, he said : « Grandma, maybe the bench's man is dead too and became as grandpa a star on the sky. »

Since the fall's beggining in 2019 we haven't seen the man.

Then we were asking ourselves some questions specially worried about COVID. We knew the man lives just across the street and crosses it with his walker. Looking at the building in front of the bench we wonder which window would be the his one.

So this day when I had taken street photos that's with joy I saw the man again seeting down with his walker beside him which allowed man to cross the street. Nice ! He is alive ! My grandson will be glad to know it.

Sure he will say me : « Grandma, he's not yet a star on the sky ! »


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1 comentário

Alison Bouhmid
Alison Bouhmid
06 de abr. de 2021

What a touching story. Isn't it funny how we can become attached to people we don't even know? It's almost as if just by their regular presence in our lives they provide continuity and meaning. Maybe even a sense of community. LIke in the old days before masks, the pleasure that comes from seeing someone everyday on your way to work and exchanging a smile with them.

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